Sunday, August 15, 2010

Ah Lui Jay's Turnip and dried squid stew

Many may mistaken that this dish is Ju Hu Char but it is not. There is no shredded mushroom or shredded pork. My Mum make this dish to be wrapped in lettuce and it is really refreshing and tasty and will never feel full. It can be eaten as a snack before the main meal or as a side dish for the main meal to be eaten with rice.  If you like it spicy, you can spread some sambal belachan or chilli sauce on the lettuce before putting the stew turnip and dried squid.  

Ah Lui Jay's Turnip and dried squid stew

1)      1 cup julienne carrot
2)      4 cups julienne turnip
3)      1 cup julienne black fungus
(washed and soaked till all opened and soft)
4)      25 gms dried shredded squid 
(washed and soaked till soft)
5)   2 tbs chopped garlic
6)      2 tbs vegetable oil
7)       3 tsp oyster sauce
8)  1 tsp vegetable stock
9)      1 tbs black sauce 
10)  2 cups water 
11)  Spring onion for garnishing (optional)

Heat oil and stir fry chopped garlic till fragrant. Add in julienne carrot and stir fry till limp. Add in julienne turnip and stir fry till translucent.  Add shredded dried squid and stir fry till you smell the fragance of dried squid. Add 1/2 cup water and let simmer for 10 minutes. add in shredded black fungus. Mixed well with turnip and carrot. Add 3 tsp oyster sauce, mix well, add 1 tbs black sauce, 1 tsp vegetable stock and mix well. Add 1 cup water. Lower heat and let simmer till turnip and carrot is limp. Turn off fire and scoop up onto the serving plate and serve with lettuce and chilly sauce. I like to eat it wrapped in lettuce.


  1. I don't think I have tried such a dish before. Or maybe I did but have forgotten? Should be very tasty with the dried squid in the stew.

  2. tigerfish,
    this is very tasty especially when you wrap it in romanian lettuce and dip in sambal belachan. Just talking about it makes me want to make the dish again.


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