Look at those gorgeous cakes!!
Lejeune also showed us how to make pastry and demonstrated the creation of various patterns. In order to serve them, he pointed out, they had to be decorated and plated first. He stressed the importance of presentation. "Feed the eyes before the stomach so they say."
Lejeune show us how to machine roll the dough for the pastry and demonstrated how to make various patterns
Here are some cakes they made that day
"Ninja Cake" (Pistachio chocolate cake)

Top Left: Chocolate tart, Top Right: Ninja Cake (Pistachio chocolate cake)
Can you resist these lovely Macarons? Not me!
We were given a chance to experience some hands on attempts and were asked to add the final touch to some items. It was truly fun to do.
Before we called it a day, we had to take some pictures for the album. Know why everybody is so happy? Well, who wouldn't after eating so many mouth watering goodies?!
For those who would like to enhance your baking and pastry skills, you might want to check out the courses they offer. Recent courses they have introduced are:
1) Art of Cake Making & Designing (Certificate Program) RM3,800
To find out more, click here
2) Pastry & Bakering Program (Part-time Certificate) RM5,000.00
To find out more, click here
I have tasted all the fantastic pastries and cakes made that day and all I can tell you is they are AWESOME! In this case, Beauty is NOT skin deep!
mmmmm..... YUMMY!!
After tasting we were invited to pack some home and, for sure, none of us rejected such a wonderful offer.
I would like to thank Jade for the invite and Lejeune for the warm welcome. Also, I would like to thank my friend Pei Lin for taking my photos. It was indeed a fun afternoon for me and it is a delight to get to know new friends too. Oh I am sorry for the lousy photos (those that were taken by me) because I was too lazy to carry my DSLR instead took these shots with the compact Canon G12. This is Stitch's new camera and I am not familiar with it so I inadvertently used all the wrong settings!